Now enrolling...

We enroll day and night classes. We accept private pay students, carrying contracts at 0% finance charge. We are also able to work with Utah Vacational Rehab and their clients. And we are now a candidate for accreditation with NACCAS!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Car wash fund-raiser for Allie

As a school we want to be a positive influence to our girls, and show them that one person can make a difference. We love teaching our students and building up their self confidence. Pay it forward. You do something kind and giving to one person, that person carries it on to the next person, and so forth. Well, we as a school are working on helping a young girl get the surgery on her face she needs to remove a big birthmark. It is on her lower right cheek and is significant in size and needs to be shaved often. Allie is a great young lady and such an example! She is a 4.0 GPA student, sings in choir, loves to read, is active in her church and would love to go on a mission someday. She wants to be a massage therapist when she gets older. We are trying all summer to help raise money to get it done before she starts high school in the fall. We know high school can be tough already, and even as humble as Allie is, why not try to get it removed before she has to take on the experiences high school brings?

As our first of many fund-raisers, we held a charity car wash. We had a great turn out and had a lot of fun for a great cause!

We sold donation tickets for a Little Giant Ladder and JJ's Nail Academy gift cards raffle that will close in August when we run our 5K.

I want to thank all our friends and family who helped volunteer their time for a good cause!
It was a great kick off start to the fund-raising season!!

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